Benoît Fournier

Copyright Benoit Fournier
© All rights reserved.



Forest Flag | 2022-2023

Decomposition, a death that can generate life, be creation, reminds me of the work of activists who, starting from the agonizing Mother Nature, give their lives to raise awareness about death at its various levels, creating, recreating and updating struggles. The Bandeiras-Floresta are serigraphs of leaf skeletons with images of activists taken from videos available on the internet. The faces are printed with mineral ink on cotton fabric. This work aims to raise awareness about our roots and invoke activists, native peoples, all those who defend forests and territories in a situation of constant conflict, abandonment and threats. Some of the activists pictured were murdered and others are still fighting to defend the forests in Brazil (sometimes living under death threats). Among them: Dorothy Stang, Paulinho Guajajara, Sonia Guajajara, Davi Kopenawa, Bruno Pereira, Juma Xipaya. The impression made with grayish or reddish clay aims to highlight our relationship with the earth: we do not own it, but we belong to it. Gray as a beginning in color from which embroidered lines of different colors emerge are veins, saps and hyphae: the flows of life – representing new cycles. The lightness and transparency of the fabrics dialogue with the organic lines.

Benoît Fournier


Copyright Benoit Fournier
© All rights reserved.